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Hansel and Gretel

      Once upon a time there lived a happy family. The family had two children. Their names were Hansel and Gretel. At one time, their mother passed away. Since then, they were haunted by sadness.
     The father felt pity when he looked at those two children. So, he married someone else so they could have a new mother. Little did they know that their new mother was evil. She tortured those children all the time.
      The drought eventually came. The new mother had an idea to abandon Hansel and Gretel in the woods. The father strongly disagreed, but the new mother kept insisting on her idea. So the next day, Hansel and Gretel were given a piece of cake. Father brought them to the woods and left them. They walked without knowing where to go. Suddenly, they found a house made of cake. Hansel and Gretel ate that cake. They didn't know that the cake house was a trap set by a witch. They were caught and put in jail. The witch forced Hansel and Gretel to keep eating so they could be fat and be eaten by the witch. The next day, Hansel and Gretel were asked by the witch to open a furnace. However, Hansel and Gretel tried to trick the witch. They said that they couldn't open the furnace. When the witch opened the furnace, Hansel and Gretel pushed her into the furnace. The witch finally passed away.
      Hansel and Gretel ran outside the cake house. They found a big bag full of gold. They lifted it together. However, they didn't know how to go home. Suddenly, there was a talking swan. The talking swan said that he would guide them home. They followed the swan until the edge of the forest. Their father saw them and hugged them tightly. He said sorry to them. He swore he would never abandon them again.

Task 1 | Write the definitios of the words in bold in the text above!

Task 2 | Write the plot of the story above!

1. Problem : ...
2. Conflict : ...
3. Climax : ...
4. Anti Climax : ...
5. Solution : ...


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