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Graffiti | English X - Smst.2

Exposition Text

In this lesson, we'll learn about exposition text. It's a type of writing that allows us to express our viewpoint in a particular topic. Throughout this chapter, we will make a case for the significance of art, specifically graffiti.

1.     Type of Exposition Text

Exposition text is divided into two kinds. They are as follows.

a. Analytical exposition

    An analytical exposition is a type of writing that presents the writer's viewpoint on a specific issue. The central idea of the piece is known as the thesis, followed by a series of supporting arguments. The writer concludes the text by summarizing and concluding the arguments elaborations presented earlier.

b. Hortatory exposition

    Hortatory exposition is similar to analytical exposition, but it has a more persuasive tone. Its goal is to encourage people to accept the writer's opinion. That's why the text typically includes word "should" to suggest what the reader ought to do.

2.     The Structure of Exposition Text

In general, exposition text consists of the following structure.

a. Thesis

It contains the main arguments that the writer has.

b. Arguments

It contains the elaboration or supporting arguments derived from the main argument in thesis.

c. Conclusion or recommendation

In an analytical exposition, the conclusion is the final statement that summarizes the thesis a arguments made by the writer. On the other hand, hortatory exposition ends with a recommendat that encourages the reader to take a specific action as suggested by the writer.

3.     The Language Features of Exposition Text

Here are the language features of exposition text.
a. Using simple present tense.
b. Using conjunctions.
c. Using argumentative sentences.
d. Using cause and effect sentences.
e. Using words that can arouse writer's emotion.

Here is the example of exposition text.

Art Must Be Developed Through Communities
    In every city in Indonesia, people need to develop the education of art and culture in traditional or creative ways. They should do this by building communities that are spread throughout the cities.

First Argument
    First, art communities compete with each other to give their best, and if it's a healthy competition, it can boost the level of art and culture in Indonesia.

Tari Ndolalak 

Second Argument
    Second, every art community has its own practice schedule, and it's important because it helps to discipline people. If people practice art and culture sporadically, they may lose interest.

From the arguments above, we can conclude that it is an important thing for Indonesian government to develop art through communities that are spread in every city in Indonesia.

Here are the language features based on the text above.

1. Simple present tense
    First, art communities have their own way to compete each other to give their best.
2. Conjunction
    As long as it's a healthy competition, it can boost the level of art and culture in Indonesia.
3. Argumentative sentences
    As long as it's a healthy competition, it can boost the level of art and culture in Indonesia.
4. Cause and effect
    If the practice is done sporadically, people will lose interest in practicing art and culture.
5. Words that can affect the readers' emotion
    If the practice is done sporadically, people will lose interest in practicing art and culture.
