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Look at the following problems. Find the cause of each problem and give your opinion towards the problem. 

The problem: Older people think that graffiti is vandalism.

Irfan : "Hey, have you ever noticed how some grandparents think graffiti is vandalism?"
Putra : "Yeah, I've heard that too. I wonder why they feel that way."
Irfan : "Do you think they understand that graffiti can be a form of art?"
Putra : "I'm not sure. Maybe they see it as just people defacing public property."
Irfan : "But graffiti can also be a way for people to express themselves, right?" 
Putra : "Definitely! Some artists use graffiti to convey powerful messages and emotions."
Irfan : "I think it's important for them to see the creativity behind graffiti."
Putra : "True. Maybe if they understood the artistic value, they would view it differently."
Irfan : "Do you think it's a generational thing? Like, they grew up with different ideas about art?
Putra : "That could be a factor. Art preferences can vary across generations."
Irfan : "It might be helpful to explain to them the cultural significance of graffiti in some communities."
Putra : "Yes, educating them about its roots and the impact it has in certain neighborhoods could change their perspective."
Irfan : "Some cities even have designated areas where graffiti is allowed. That shows it can be accepted and appreciated."
Putra : "Absolutely. It's a way to channel creative expression without damaging property."
Irfan : "I think it's important to have open discussions with them and listen to their concerns."
Putra : "Yes, understanding their viewpoint and addressing their worries will help bridge the generation gap."
Irfan : "Maybe we can show them examples of graffiti that they might find impressive or thought-provoking"
Putra :"That's a good idea. Seeing the talent and skill behind some graffiti pieces might change their perception."
Irfan : "We could also talk about how graffiti has been used to raise awareness about social issues."
Putra : "Yes, showing them the positive impact graffiti can have on communities might help shift their opinion." 
Irfan : "Ultimately, it's about finding common ground and respecting different perspectives."
Putra : "Exactly. We don't have to agree, but we can try to understand each other."
Irfan : "Hopefully, with time and patience, we can help them see graffiti in a new light."

Find the cause of each problem and give your opinion towards the problems. Then, make a dialog about "Older people think that graffiti is vandalism" just like the axample above.

1. Young people think that traditional art is not a cool art.
  • Your dialog: (min. 3 dialog each students)
2. There are many people who plagiarize other people's art.
  • Your dialog: (min. 3 dialog each students)
3. Small artist often live in a property.
  • Your dialog: (min. 3 dialog each students)


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